
time to pack the lights ...

... for the after-work rides! fall is on it's way in, and the daylight is on it's way out.

white ranch... another one of my favorites. quite possibly for the sole reason that i get to climb to my hearts content. i love to climb here. it is so much fun.

date/ride night with ed: i got to finally show him my set of loops (all the loops i do that avoid the massive part of boring belcher blah) ... the loops i usually do ad nauseam every spring, summer, and fall ... the loops i've only visited ONE other time this year.

it was fun to get out and play. man, that is a short set of loops, and we didn't even have the light-time to do them all. harumph. as much as i hate the heat of summer, i will be sad to see the evening light of summer diminish before i even get warmed up!

again, started out with the intention of riding slow, easy, lite.... yyyyeeeeaaahhhhhh..... well. um. let's see. i, uh ... well, hit another hr HIGH record, and still kept it not only all in check and rollin' smoothly, my legs felt fresh the entire evening. ohyeah. this makes me giddy and makes me think i'm doing something right to recover from whatever it is i did to myself earlier in the season.

favorite parts last night: clearing it all with fresh, snappy power. the massive moon rising behind the clouds. riding out front.

i will post pix when i get them!

1 comment:

FixieDave said...

Whites good stuff.... you mean you dont wanna sit there spinning up beltcher for an 1 1/2 hours?
