
mf'ers | a photo essay

You know... sometimes you just have to breathe in, and breathe out, and  be grateful for your seriously fucking amazing friends ...

Michelle mf'er. muse.


You know...

photo by Michelle

for not only being simply WHO they are...

but how they are.

Having friends so pure...

can, often, set you free.

photo by Michelle

photo by Michelle


photo by Michelle

photo by Michelle

photo by Michelle

photo by Michelle

photo by Michelle
Yes, Kelly, we've decided to make you an honorary GoGoPussycat. We had fun bunny hopping ... and it was fun to ride ponies with you in the sunset!

photo by Michelle

Thank you, gogopussycats. For all that awesome crazy.



Megamagic day 2: the dirt date continues

Not that anyone is following along....


Day 2 started with a bunch of hooooooooplahhhhhEnergy!

LW, DH, Ed and I parked at the bottom of the hill,

and rode up to GUAC to meet up with the UberFab Kenny and Heather combo (and their uber giggly friends)! BOOYEAHHH!!!

I woke up a bit over-excited. Again. And the rest of the crew were calm as cupcakes. Go figure. The SS had lit a bit of a megafire and I was very anxious to see how she rolled in a bit more tech. Even rolly Tech. Which is what GUAC turned out to be.


As usual, it took me a while to settle down, and quiet down. I tried. I tried REALLY hard to just shut up. Be calm. Be THE QUIET ONE.

That just didn't work at all.

So I just did what I usually do: get ruckus with the rocks. Well not really ruckus. More like FlowRuckus.

I'm pretty sure I offended a few of Heather and Kenny's friends. Sorry about that.

Heather got a little ruckus, too.

Here, Kenny is trying to keep Heather from seeing the uberfantastical x 10000000000 view to her right. He wanted to make sure the focus was where it needed to be.

We had a large group to start. Then in dwindled to 6 of us. I think we scared off Kenny and Heather's friends when we started throwing the bottle of Tequila AT one another. Maybe. Regardless.... Can you find the bottle of Tequila in this pic?

Here, Kenny is asking Heather: "what on EARTH did you do to your knee, honey? if i poke on that big, bulging bloody knee of yours, will you punch me out?" Heather is saying: "If you kiss it i WON'T punch you out."

Anyway. Once we had a bit of lunch and watched the Men Drink Drinks.... The flow changed. And I was wayOK that.

We ended the day with BIG rolly eyes for big UberRollyTechyFlowyFunTrailBiss.

So we did what any smart group of uberbunnies would do. We went and fed our faces.

You know... so we could prepare for the NEXT UberRollyTechyFlowyFunTrailBiss the next day.


Oh. And yeah: the dirt date was HAWT. SaSSafraSS and I got along juuuuuuussssttttt fine. 

More to come!!!



Megamagic day one

St. George: 4 hours from home to Grand Junction. Heavenly sleep in the Magic House with the Magic People. Then 6 hours to the House of Crack

5 minutes with feet on the ground, hugs all the way around......... and LW spits out: "who wants to ride before the sun sets?"


So LW and I escape for a quick blissjanut into the red hills behind her house. It was micormegamagic. But only because it was only a 40 minute spinn. Just enough to start the energy ramp-up of a nice 4 day weekend with LW and DH. When in Rome...

That made me UberHappy. And I was 8 kinds of over-excited the whole night. Yes, it's really true!

Oh. AND I got to meet the Milk Money Pony and get her all set up for a date weekend with me. Well, hhheeelllllooooooooooo miss sSASSAFRAASSSS!!! Would you like to have a 4 day dirt date with me?

Saturday morning, sun up. Ed and I cooked up an uber-sweet batch of megaoatmeal in prep for an all-ish-dayer. I'm so glad we did.

LW promised a full day of mtbBLISS. Was I nervous about riding a SS all day -- after not riding AT ALL for months and months?  Yes. Yes I was.

But, as I said, when in Rome... might as well go big.

So I shut my mouth, saddled up, and did my best to stay as calm as possible.

That lasted all of 10 minutes. After the first bitch-slap of a climb, I was reoriented, reengaged, and absoLOOTEly dialed into the megamagic pony.

Once I got dialed in, the day was ON.... And I followed LW and DH into an entire desert day of megamagic uberpedaling.

I do not know the names of all the trails we hit. I'm pretty sure that Barrel Roll was one of them. That was a Barrel of GIGGLES...... and I could feel the fire burning all giddy inside.

It was extramega just due to the fact that the sun was BIGOUT and I was soaking in megaVitaminD. THANK YOU UNIVERSE!!!

We went from Barrel, to something else, to something else, then maybe something else?

Late in the day, we rode up this beauuuutiful wash. It was called somethingsomethingwash. The pitch was magicful. The pace was peaceful and yet gettin'. I was AMAZED that I could pedal at all... let alone feel THIS good doing it.

Which could really only mean ONE thing: I was going to hit a wall REALLY soon -- either literally, figuratively, or both.

And I was right. It got steep. And I enjoyed a nice little walk ;)

We bunny hopped the ridges and swooped through the washes. Dirt was flyin'. I was Smilin'.

My low-point washed away upon passing some dudes.... and the crack began to flow again. I started over-exitementing ... and the downhill turned a bit crackalicious. I know what happened. And I like it when that happens. The uber start ... the long, drawn out dirtbliss ... the low-flow hour ... then the re-ramp that has the wings spread, soul soaring!!!!

We reached the end of the trail for the day, and we hit the pavemental to roll home. And then we thanked our lucky little stars that such a day could exist.

We had a glorious ride.

DH thought so.

LW thought so - because she was GLOWING.

Ed thought so... look at him SMIIIIIIIILE!!!

The PONIES thought so!!! Especially Dave's new Pony, DISCO!!!!!! Just loook at her GLOW!

Day 1 ended with BIG STEAKS and a biiiiiger salad! Wine. And DEEEEP sleep!

More soon!

