18 miles of a friday night date ride! only this time, we had company, and we latched onto ice's friday afternoon ride. four of us showed up in the early afternoon to delight in what remained of the warmer fall weather and sunlight. the parks were sweetly empty and we had our way with the single track! ed and ben chased and raced while dave and i enjoyed a solidly pleasant conversation up the hills (thanks dave).... dave has magic powers going down hill, so i never saw him after cresting any of the hills.
(i'll do all that work... over the weekend)
in other news: i've decided to move. yes, i'm leaving the castle that is my current home down town and have chosen to land in Golden, with my dear friend Hillary.
i'm so excited i'm having a difficult time sitting still!
everyone: get out and enjoy the snow storm. we're hoping to have a frolicking-ly good time in the snow at the beanfeSSt on Sunday! see you there?!?!?!?
jeny jo
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