And, it was slightly surprising. None of us expected the heat to 'truly' cook us up here in the mountains and the woods. And none of us expected it to be what they call 'humid'. Hehehe.... We've been a bit spoiled this year with the temperatures, I think.
So, we rolled somewhat early (kinda - sorta - not really). It was immediately Hot. But, I think my riding pals were giddy at the thought of riding new (to them) trails. Everyone saddled up and got ready to ride rather quickly; and we were off on a little adventure. I think I really enjoy playing Ride Hostess for some reason. Never knew I had that in me.
Within the first 2 miles of this loop we cross a river. Mr.M was the first to the river, and as the girls and I approached, we noticed he was soaking wet. Hum..... He was giggly and putting himself back together when we all had the simultaneous thought: We're SOOOOO jumping in that river on the way back!
And so we trotted up the hill and down the hill, up some other hills and down more rocks, we blew through meadows and sprinted up more climbs. We hung out on the top; but not for very long. We blasted down more hills, climbed more mellow hills. We played around on the most challenging set of rocks and switchbacks that I know exist within a 20 mile range. We fixed one flat. We re-attached one pedal (permanently). And we BOMBED back down to the river... 3 hot hours later.
And what do you think that was like?
It was RIGHTEOUS!!!!
No, we did not kill him. He wanted to do that. So we all did it too!
Well, Cyn thought better of the whole thing, but I am pretty certain that sitting there with her feet and legs in the water made her day. I am also quite certain that she thinks we're all crazy.
And, we have another smart one here... we did all go out to eat about 20 minutes after jumping in the river, after all:
And how did we all feel afterwards!?!?
Yet more happy to be alive and out in the wide-world blissing our MtbSelves silly.
Hahahahahaha..... you crack me up, woman! Is this the preparation pose and proper breathing practices for True Mountain River Submersion!?!? I bet you learned this in Yoga class ;-)
THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful pony ride!!
And, meanwhile... Tonka and Ed were at home pounding out a big thing for work. I think that Ed put Tonka to a little too much work. This is what Tonka looked like this afternoon recovering from his workday:
(and to be honest, I looked kinda like that shortly after I got home, too).
I like the al fresco bathing! We should have done that today too!
i've got problems.... hehehehehehe! sooo fun! thanks jeny for a freakin' awesome day!
IBB: ;-)
TRace: you do NOT have problems;-) and thank YOU for an awesome day!
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