i think booboo expresses it the best.
i'm hiding from you, you cannot see me.
why are you invading my teepee space, woman!
you're not looking at me. you do not see me. i am not in my teepee.
other fun things we have been getting up to:
nice soft in-bound snow...
and perfectly wonderful singletrack ... in December.
life is good. even booboo thinks so.
ALWAYS love Jeny vision! BooBoo's black lower jaw accentuates that feline smile so nicely!
Shot from the ski lift is very COOL!..I can tell by the leg shadows which side you are on.....nice strong MTB women legs!!
Peace to you and Ed!
HA! you think you can tell?
alrighty then -- which side?
booboo goateeee ;-) he's a funny little nut that cat.
Uh oh!...now you got me wondering
skinny ski side?
a neat shot none the less!
no, not skinny ski side ;-)
post more ocean shots and shots of hamal!!! beautiful world you got goin' on there!!
these pictures are awesome!
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