Sunshine! Ponies! Sunshine! Ponies! Sunshine! Ponies! Mud!
see how WIIILLLDDD the pony looks!! i love the pony!!!!! check out his crazy furry coat and mane!eszter has a much more appropriate title for our ride-date on sunday. but honestly, the ride was really one of the dirty-est rides of the year, it was indeed NOT a
little ride (50 mi, 6,500vert, 4.5 hrs, i think? Ez?), we ate muffins, we rode bikes, we ran with real ponies, and all that makes for a lot of mtbLove. So there you have it.
we do pretty much have the same story:
ride up sunshine, then up some more, then down-up thru gold hill, then up, then up, then down-up-down into Ned, then eat a super yummy muffin and coffee from the Co-op, then up, then up Mag, then down Mag, then more down Mag, then down the canyon, then up 4mile, then up poorman, then down sunshine. then home.
or, it could be conveyed like this: dry pavement, dry/damp dirt, really damp dirt, ponies!, white-velvet ice, mud, clean chains with snow, more slushy mud, more mud, some ice, clean chains with snow, dry pavement, muffin, coffee, dry pavement, mud, tailwind, slush, mud, tailwind, slush, stupid-ffin' subaru flying by absolutely spraying us with more slush, then more mud, more slush, then pavement with fine-grained sand for a nice really long time, dry pavement, dry pavement with massive boulders in the middle of the road, then some tacky dirt, then dry pavement, then home.
and yes, we did giggle the whole time... most particularly during the muddy sections, which was pretty much most of the dirt roads, which is a large part of the whole ride.
i think for both of us the highlight of the ride was seeing and running/riding with the ponies! tho the treat-stop at the co-op came in a close second ;-) and, i have to say, just getting to ride with ez on such a lovely day, all day, was just freakin' awesome! i had an absolute blast, and am still glowing from the whole day!
hope everyone got some sunshine this weekend! next storm: tomorrow.