

So, this is Ed and I at the start of KTR. This was taken before we left the Mack exit parking lot, roughly around 9pm. I was tremendously happy and excited, and just insanely proud to be starting with the one person with whom I spent so much time preparing for the event. Ed, I find your camaraderie to be deeply grounding and inspiring.

Happy happy happy!

While I've not written a true report, I've written a number of drafts. My previous post is a bit of condensed essence of the moment I ... quit. I'm going to leave it at that. There is more than enough working it's way through my psyche ... the fallout is just not going to wither away and disintegrate. I'm just going to let it simmer there and it will all evolve. For now, I'm going to focus
on the deeply happy parts of the whole experience.

So this was the other blessing of happiness of the day and the event: Ed, top 10. Seeing him rip around the last corner into the finish was one of the brightest moments. I was SO happy he was able to finish, and finish strong, and with a huge smile of accomplishment. YOU rock, my friend. And I admire you.

So, I've chosen to treat myself to a little inspiration:

Yes, my pink Truth (Pony) now has pink grips, with white stars. If nothing else, the stars are there for me as a reminder of one pivotal moment. Despite the fact that I actually ordered these before the KTR (perhaps I would not have flipped my lid had I actually HAD my grips by the race ... right), I find them to be a perfect bit of inspiration.

I'm silly. I know. So be it.


ssportsman said...


Don't let your KTR experience keep you down. We've talked ab out the DNF feeling, and although we both seem to keep going through it, you can't really dwell on it. There are too many other good things to do on a mtb. Just enjoy them, get stronger, and then hammer it out the next time that you make it from Fruita to Moab. You know you're strong enough, and now you know that the mental is more important than the physical. You'll be fine, you'll be better than fine.


FixieDave said...

i'll be doing it again sometime in Oct or Nov...

Let me if you wanna start with me =)