such huge requests.
of course -- what trail would i share with him ... for a sweet morning roll from the house... why, my FAVORITE trail, of course!!!
up up and away, up bergen peak trail, into the fresh light of the day.
thought i'd wake the man up by making him ride up a bunch of big chunky rocks. on succulent singletrack. think it worked?
of course - my skills this morning were sub-par. my bliss this morning, however, was not.
scott's skills, indeed, are elevated (in general ;-). he cleaned the whole mountain, only needing to session a couple places. which was fine by me, it allowed me to catch some mtbbliss action photos.
the entrance
the first obstacle
we all know the feeling of clearing something that you've just worked hard to get, eh?
your exit shot, scott!
no bunny hopping allowed. it all has to be rolled smoove... and so smoove it was. i think that made him giggle just a little.
view from the top: clear blue fressh bliss day.
thankyou, scott, for sharing your mtbbliss with me!
down too long.
down it.
aw-heck, we're here: up it!
happy man. i think.
upon returning home, if scott's smile was any indication, i successfully shared my favorite trail bliss.
thank you so very much. glad you didn't get bored ;-)
all pix here:
Jeny Jo Mountain Bike BLISS...that is why we come! Awesome! Good to see a guy that ROCKS too! I was beginning to wonder.
Re: W.O.W.: .. post I can not even comment ...I fell of my chair this morning drinking my coffee and have not recovered yet!
Happy to see u happy my dear!
JJ: I'm booking way ahead, place to stay and trail to play..... um...I would love some JJ hostess blissess ;-) Thanks for sharing the bliss that made my smile ness back today ;-)
Oh, and, Buzz re the WOW, I'm with you on that!!!! ;-)
buzz: LMAO!!! your chair. that's funny shit.
CAREY: happy spirit. tired body. but i'll take it ;-)
MIFF: your princess room is booked.
Oh yes, thanks for sharing the bliss! I felt it. I still can't believe I got to ride with you, and on YOUR mountain. Too cool to see some of the spots I've seen in pics and videos.
I feel like I had a good day and got lucky out there... esp. that turn you (rightly) called me back on after hopping.
More to come, both here and there, I hope.
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