Not a big long ride, but a short sweet out and back. Had the place to myself, and the trails were perfect ... for most of it. This ride's intention was to be out in the fog more than anything. I'm wasted tired from a week of riding....
Playing around a bit more with the video stuff. This time I used a combination of Picassa and Windows Media something or other... fun (time consuming) stuff! Another experiment:
really like that video. lots of cool linking shots. must have taken some time to put together.
ps- i think you know my buddy doug.
Love the video, Jen! Great shots of you and your badassery! Thanks for trying to make yourself look human, but we know better...
hey mr epicrider -- thanks for checkin' in! fun shots indeed. i was out on the trail for about 2.5 hours. that included sitting in the forest and taking in the silence;-) and, i wasn't moving very fast... and since it was another rest-type ride, i figured i had all darn day to just take as many vid shots as i wanted ;-)
editing and music sync-ing, however... THAT takes a darn long time. i am just figuring out the windows media functions. so far i'm liking it.
the trails you're riding in that vid of yours look like SO much fun!
say HEY to douggggg-o-ramma.
You are making riding in crap weather look fun. Pure propaganda.
Beautiful video Jeny, it made my morning. I love the segment at the three min mark.
Nice work! Beautiful day beautiful riding beautiful rider. Loved the do-overs...
Jeny - Loved your video in the fog! I especially dig the shots at switchbacks where you get yourself coming and going. And the do-overs are priceless. What camera are you using?
Zoom zoom!
Very cool vid!
Love the vid! That fog makes me jealous with all the heat/sun settling in here in AZ.
Classic near uphill endo after that switchback. Only happens when you're really gettin' after it, and I know that feeling well.
Thanks for the vid.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! The feedback really helps!
Pablo: we need a redux of last years tour-de-crack... when? 2 weeks from now?
ScottM: THANK YOU! It's gettin; hot here soon... I'm sure of it. Not AZ hot, tho... thank goodness. And, I totally broke my carbon brake lever on that silly uphill en-DOH! ;-)
PBR: I should make a "night life" vid of you and your crazy thrusday night crew... hum.
itty: just my camera ;-)
thanks all for stoppin' by and checkin' it out!
get out and ride!
Very cool video. Felt like I was watching a documentary, liked the up then down versions of all the features.
And definitely cool that you put in the misses as well as the hits.
Love the video JJ! While watching it I was thinking to myself, damn! We've never ridden together before, and in fact I'm not sure I've seen you on a bike LOL.
Nice display of skilz and the do-overs are the clincher.
DH -- that is funny! You've seen me on my bike in Ed's pix!!! ;-)
LOL... too funny.
Skills? That is the smooth loop!
Hope you are doing well!
A night life vid mmmm there is an open invitation anytime! we'll be rollin up to bc next week!Love to have you and Ed out sometime er try and catch up to you, ed and spike sometime. ;)
sitting here aplauding. That was great! Makes me want to get out and ride[isn't that what this stuff is for anyways?]. Sweet, sweet stoke.
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