Moi, gettin; the AH. AHHH. AHHHHHH.....
I have a whole universe of pictures from today. Lots of sequences, and lots of just good shots. I highly recommend that you look at them in the slide show -- there are some good ones; there are a LOT of pictures that belong in the sequence of the best shots displaying below ;-) ....
The pictures scattered throughout the wordy part of my post are my favorites from the day. Some taken by me, some by MyssM. (Lucky for me, MyssM doesn't have a camera of her own ... so she only gets the opportunity when I give her my camera;-))
MyssM droppin' and flyin' before the fun shot-up.
This year, something different presents itself in an entirely new, energetic way. I credit this partially to New Bike Syndrome, partially to Fantiastic Riding Partner Syndrome, partially to Indian Summer Syndrome, partially to Pure Ffin' Luck, and mostly to MtbMagic.
Moi, rounding a fun corner.
I have very limited verbal explanation for the experience, really. Ed, my Riding Partner in crime, has taken a rather smart break from our usual MtbAddiction (he is the smart one, after all). Me, and in an effort to honor Ed's solid retreat and meditation, I've gone out and started MtbFires all over the damn place. I feel guilty, really... having this much fun is supposed to be a crime, right?
M is really somethin', eh? We actually held an entire conversation through this line ;-)
Lucky for the word 'FUN', it's only a 3-letter word (as disappointing as that is). F.U.N. Bah! Boisterous, Impitous, Rambunctious, Riotous, Rollicking, Exuberant, Frisky, Joyous ... are words that come to mind, to start. I mean, really: 'FUN' is not quite enough word, and still all the other words seem to fail, too.
M chargin' the beginning of Nemisis One.
OK. I'm going overboard? I'm serious!!! How do you describe and relate to others the amount of deeply felt and experienced FUN one experiences on particular rides (and other experiences)? Quite frankly, my pictures only do 1/4 of the justice. My words hardly scratch another 1/4 of it.... how do I relate it all to you!!?!?
M experiencing a new line ;-)
Yeah, we had a freakn' riot of a good time today, out in the late-late-late fall sun, out in the late-late-late fall splash. We rode completely and utterly WORKED trails (loose, chaotic, messy, season-worked); we sessioned and sessioned and sessioned ourselves into every second of every moment of every rock-pile and not only did we absolutely NAIL 98% of it, we literally giggled the ENTIRE time. (yes, we talked the whole time too).
M realizing that really, she had it in her all along, and then some.
My new theory: Fall is for getting out and getting technical; getting out and working the hard lines with the right timing and the right Presence.
Moi, hittin' a pitch a little too fast ;-) WOAH!
Yeah, Presence. That is what Fall is For.
That looks like soooo much fun. I'm drooling with envy.
GooneyRyder -- you should come out any play sometime -- I drool all over your skiing pix all darn winter/spring ;-)
thanksthanks. :)
(If I may be so bold), there are a lot of HOT legs in that slideshow.
Dang you girs are HOT :)
ooh girly girl fun
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