and super sweet company to boot. scotts smile the WHOLE ride says it all (you can see it even through the trees), and then some.
thanks for the awesome ride SS and EM!
Here's to my man, may he not have pinch-flats ever-ever-ever again for no stupid reason:
Sunday, we explored an area where there are no bikes allowed. Ed took the best pix of this area, and mine stink.... We had a nice 3-hour, mellow hike to recover from the nice rough-and-tumble ride from Saturday.
Here's to all the lovely people we know out there who are so thoroughly gettin' their SPRING riding season ... ON!!!
Check. Two relatively big peaks in there with a lot of little and not-so-little stuff in between ... and I wussed out and voted to take the West/shorter and prettier climb up Evergreen Mountain -- it being one of my absolute favorite spaces to ride through.
Ed, at the top of the last big hill - Evergreen Mountain -- out at the apex of our route. In fact, this is the only place I took pictures at all. We were too 'in-flow' to stop and take pix anywhere else. Ah-well. Click the picture for the rest of the pix... all 4 of them ;-)
We did not hit as many trails as I would have liked in the 3 Sisters area. We did, however, add mileage by riding a bunch of back roads to get home, and picked up some wicked-yummy soup to bring home for dinner. Can't beat that.
Oddly, it only turned out to be like 35 miles... WTF!!! (I thought it would be so much more. It FEELS like it was so much more)! It did end up tallying a solid 5,300' vertical, tho. That would explain why I'm so ... uhm, worked?
We did manage to sneak in new singletrack, a exploratory-fire-4x way to other relatively untravelled singletrack in the Ranch area (almost fell in the river there), and thus slyly missed one nasty little climb I was not particularly looking forward to.
Our route (or, I'm sure that Ed has/will post the route on his blog):
So, the continuance of my idea goes something like this: next time -- over the next number of add-on-game-days, hit all the trails/parks mentioned above, and add one or two parks at a time:
And, of course, somewhere along the lines, these will have to be added to the add-on game as well:
Damn good day. I'm so glad it warmed up and we got to ride in shorts and short-sleeves for most of the day. The breeze coming in from the East was pretty darn cold tho -- but I think we only really felt that going downhill ;o)
A few observations:
Tomorrow is another day -- another sunshiny day no-less!!!
Thanks for the adventure today, Ed.